Merhaba ben Bahar. Bursada kızıyla yaşayan, 32 yasında, 1.75 boyunda, 50 kilo, sexi, çekici fiziği olan, bakımlı hoş bir dul bayanım. Kocamdan ayrıldıktan sonra, ailesiyle yaşayan Ebru adında bir bayan arkadaşımın yanında kalmaya başladım. Ebru da benim gibi arayışları olan, benim gibi istekli ve arzulu biriydi. Ebru ile akşamları başbaşa odasında olduğumuzda, arkadaşlık sitelerine girer, kendimize uygun erkekler arardık. Yine böyle bir akşam sitede dolaşırken Ebru ile yazışan bir erkeği farkettim. Adam profiline resmini de koymuştu, oldukça hoş biriydi. Yazışırken adam işini de iyi biliyordu, bir kadının istediği ne varsa onları yazıyordu. Adam Ebruya buluşmak istediğini ve güzel bir gün geçirmek istediğini, pişman olmayacağını söylüyordu. Ebru ise, “Bilmem, bir düşünmem lazım!” diyordu...
Kocamdan boşanırken çok stresli zamanlar geçirmiştim ve aslında böyle bir güne benim de çok ihtiyacım vardı. Yazışırlarken adam Ebruya MSN adresini verdi. Ben de hayatımda ilk kez yaptığım birşeyi yaptım, adamın MSN adresini aklımın bir köşesine yazdım. Amacım daha sonra adamın adresini kendi MSN’ime eklemekti. Neyse, onlar yazışmaya devam etti, Ebru yarım saat sonra bilgisayarı kapatıp yattı.
Sabah kalktığımda Ebru işe gitmişti. Kendime bir kahve yapıp bilgisayarın başına geçtim. Hemen adamın MSN adresini kendime ekledim. Ekler eklemez adam kabul etti. “Merhaba!” diyerek yazmaya başladım. O da gayet nazikti, merhabayla karşılık verdi. Adresini siteden aldığımı ve tanışmak istediğimi yazdım. Adamın adının Yalçın olduğunu ve galerici olduğunu öğrendim. Şansıma aynı şehirdeydik. Çapkın birine benziyordu. “Beraber Webcam açalım!” dedim ve açtık. Onu gördüm, o da beni gördü, çok güzel ve tatlı olduğumu söyledi, ve akşam Ebruya yaptığı teklifi bana da yaptı. Ben de hiç beklemeden, “Evet!” dedim. Buluşmak istediğini söyledi, kabul ettim. Telefon numaralarımızı verdik, öğlen buluşmak için sözleştik...
Hemen banyoya girdim, güzel bir duş yaptım. En güzel sexi iç çamaşırlarımı (Leopar tangamı ve takım olan sütyenimi) giydim. Bacaklarımı, kasıklarımı, amımı, göt deliğimi güzelce kremledim. En sexi parfümümü heryerime sıktım. Fiziğim düzgün olduğu için dar kotumu, üstüne dekolte gömleğimi giydim. Buluşmaya hazır olarak heyecanla beklemeye başladım.
Saat 12’de aradı, hazır olup olmadığımı sordu. Hazır olduğumu söyledim. 20 dakika sonra tekrar arayıp buluşma yerimize geldiğini söyledi. Ben de hemen evden çıktım. Arabasını tarif etmişti. Eğildim baktım kendisi, hemen aracına bindim. “Merhaba!” diyerek öpüştük. Ne yapmak istediğimi, nereye gitmek istediğimi sordu. Ben de, “Ben misafirim, sana bırakıyorum!” dedim. Adam da, “Ozaman Mudanya’ya gidelim, önce yemek yiyelim!” dedi. “Peki!” dedim. Güzel bir balık restuaranta götürdü beni. Kendisi içmediğini söyledi, ben ise balığın yanında rakı içtim. Çok güven veren biriydi, yanında rahat hissediyordum kendimi. 2 saat sonunda sanki 40 yıllık arkadaş gibiydik.
Yemekten sonra deniz kenarına çekti arabasını, sohbete orada devam ettik. Okadar güzel ve tavlayacı konuşuyordu ki! Ve tabiki gözleriyle resmen beni de beceriyordu. Gözlerim pantolonunun önüne takıldı, kot giymesine rağmen siki belli oluyordu. Birden yanıma sokuldu ve dudaklarıma yumuldu. Önce, “Yapma lütfen, acele ediyorsun!” dedim, ama boşandıktan sonra bu kadar çok etkilendiğim biri olmamıştı, kendimi ona teslim etmeye karar verdim. Resmen dudaklarımı dilimi emiyor yutuyordu. Bir hamlede göğüslerimi sütyenden dışarı çıkardı. Sanki aç kalmış bebek gibiydi. Memelerimi deli gibi yalayıp emiyordu. Yavaş yavaş amcığım hareketlenmeye başladı. Ben de onun kotunun üstünden yarağını okşamaya başladım. Kudurmuş gibiydik. Elleriyle, dudaklarıyla heryerime dokunuyordu. Amcığım sulanmaya başlamış, alkolün de etkisiyle arzularım tavan yapmıştı. Kulağına eğilip, “Heryerim senin, sik beni!” dedim. O da, “Otele gidelim!” dedi. Hemen yakındaki otele geçtik.
Odaya girer girmez dudaklarıma yapıştı. Yatağa yıkıldık. Boynumu kulağımı öpmeye başladı. Delirmişti. Hemen gömleğimi çıkardı, sütyenimi kotumu çıkardı. Tangamı çıkarmadan kenara çekip, sulanmış amımı emmeye başladı. Dili o kadar tatlıydı ki, dolu olan arzularım patladı. Kasıldığımı farkedince, gülerek, “Bu ilk boşalman sanırım!” dedi. Hemen tangamı çıkardı. Çırılçıplaktım. Halen kendisi soyunmamıştı, hemen kendisi de soyundu. Yarağı oldukça kalın ve iriydi. Hemen ağzıma verdi. Emmeye başladım. Deli gibi taşaklarını, yarağını emiyordum. Amımın suyu durmuyordu. Beni hemen yatağa sırtüstü tekrar yatırdı, parmak ucumdan kasıklarıma kadar emdi yaladı. Göğüslerimi iri elleriyle okşarken içim gidiyordu. Sikini içimde istiyordum, “Sok hadi!” diye yalvarmaya başladım. Ama o halen diliyle sikiyordu beni. Yalvarmama fazla dayanamadı, bacaklarımı yanlara ayırıp, sikinin kafasını yavaşça amcığıma soktu. Heyecandan ölecek gibiydim. Hele tamamını soktuğunda böyle bir zevk olamazdı, içimi doldurmuştu, o kadar zevk alıyordum ki nefesım kesilmişti. “Soookkkkkkk, daha hızlı sok!” diye inlerken, orgazmı tekrar yaşadım. Ama halen sokmaya devam ediyordu. Ben de halen istekliydim, 3 dakika sonra tekrar hazır olmuştum, amcığım titriyordu. “Lütfen beraber gelelim! Amıma boşal erkeğim!” dedim. O da beni kırmadı, beraber deli gibi boşaldık.
Ben sigaramı içerken, o da duşa girdi. Duştan geldiğinde siki dimdikti. Tekrar yanıma yattı, tekrar sevişmeye başladık. Dudaklarımı öpüşü, bana dokunuşu yine azdırdı beni. Amcığım sulanmış, yine sikmesini istiyordum. Amımı, göğüslerimi, tenimi dudaklarıyla doyurmaya devam etti. İçimden, İyiki gelmişim! dedim. Amcığımı yalarken, arada bir de göt deliğime dilini sokuyordu. İçim ürperdi, değişik duygular hissetmeye basladım. Boşandığım kocama bile götümden vermemiştim, ama isteklerim arzularım tavan yapmıştı, bu adama karşı koyamıyordum. Bana, “Seni götünden sikmek istiyorum, istermisin?” dedi. Ben de hiç yapmadığımı söyledim. “Bana bırak, inan pişman olmayacaksın!” dedi. “Peki!” dedim. Diliyle göt deliğimi zorlamaya başladı. Dili biramımda, bir götümdeydi. Amımın suyu zaten göt deliğimi ıslatmıştı. Feci şekilde azmıştım...
Yarağını yavaşça götüme zorlamaya başladı. Kafası büyüktü, girmiyordu, ama itmeye devam ediyordu. Acı hissetmeye başladım, ama devam etmesini de istiyordum. Yavaş yavaş derken girdiğini hissettim. Ağzımdanacı bir, “Ahhhhh!” çıkınca, “İstersen çıkabilirim?” dedi. “Hayır, köküne kadar istiyorum, heryerimde istiyorum, sik beni!” dedim. Duyduğum acı 2 dakika sonra zevke dönüştü, çok zevk alıyordum. İnanamıyordum, beni götümden sikerken sanırım 3 kere arka arkaya boşaldım. Vuruşları sertleşmeye başladı, boşlacağını anladım, döllerini deliğimde istiyordum. “Götüme boşal!” deyince deli gibi boşaldı. Dölleriyle içim doldurdu. Resmen perişan olmuştum, ama değmişti, boşandığımdan beri ilk kez bu kadar tatlı, zevkli ve bol orgazmlı zaman geçirmiştim...
Biraz dinledikten sonra otelden ayrıldık ve beni eve bıraktı. Bilmiyorum ama, ona ya aşık oldum, yada sikmesinden çok etkilendim, her arayışında koşarak yanına gidiyorum, doyasıya siktiriyorum kendimi.
Bu arada arkadaşım Ebru onunla buluşmaya karar vermiş, bana fikrimi sordu. Ben de, “Git buluş istersen, eminim pişman olmazsın!” dedim. Buluşacağı adamla epeydir sikiştiğimi söylemedim tabii : )
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
seks palnim işe yaradi
Ben 37 yaşında maddi durumu çok iyi iş adamıyım.Eşim 27 yaşında alımlı güzel bir bayan. İstanbul 'da lüks b,r semtte oturmaktayız. Eşimi yanıma alıp gezmekten çok hoşlanıyorum.Eşim benimde isteğimle dekolte kıyafetler giyer.gezerken erkeklerin ona bakmasından müthiş zevk alıyorum ama bunu eşime fark ettirmiyorum. Bu zevk bende zamanla eşimin başka erkeklerle sevişirken seyretmek arzusuna dönüştü...Ama bunu ona söylemeye cesaret edemiyordum.uzun süre değişik planlar sonunda bir tanesinde karar kılarak uygulamaya karar verdim.araştırmalarımdan sonra bu iş için uygun üç kişiye bol para vererek ayarladım ve onlara planımı anlattım.Bir cumartesi günü eşimle arabamıza binerek istanbul dışına gezmeye çıktık.Bir saat kadar gittikten sonra daha önce bu iş için uygun olacağına karar verdiğim yere gelmiştik istanbul dışında ıssız bir yerdi.İlerde bir araba ve diğer üç kişi vardı...Arabanın kaputu açıktı el ettiler ve ben durdum yanımıza bir tanesi gelerek arabalarının bozulduğunu ve yardım etmemizi istedi.Ben anlamam dedim. Bunun üzerine kendilerini en yakın yerleşim yerine götürmemizi rica ettiler kabul ettim ve üçü arabanın arkasına bindiler.birtanesi kestirme yol bildiğini söyleyerek yolu tarif ederek daha iç taraflara ıssız bir yere kadar gelmiştik.Yol bitmişti arabadan inerek etrafa baktım ve geri dönmemiz gerek dedim.Diğer ikiside inip yanıma geldi ve bir bıçak çıkarıp sessiz kalmamı söylediler.Buarada eşimde arabadan çıkarak neler oluyor dedi diğer üçüncü eşimi arkadan yakalıyarak belinden sarıldı.Benim elelrimi arkadan bağlayıp ayaklarımıda bağlıyarak yere oturtular ben hayvanlar ne yapıyorsunuz bırakın dedim.Kes sesini yoksa ikinizde ölürsünüz dediler.Bu yavruyu becereceğiz dediler. Hayvanlar o benim karım dedim.Eşimin üstünde mini eteği ve açık bir tişort vardı.Eşim hayır bırakın diyordu arkadan sarılan eşimin bacaklarını okşamaya başlamıştı.Eşim çırpınıyor ama bir şey yapamıyordu.Bitanesi arabanın arkasından piknik için kullandığımız örtüleri çıkararak yere serdi.Eşimi üçü birden tutarak sergilerin üzerina yatırdılar.Birisi eşimin baş tarafına geçerek sıkıca ellerinde tuttu.Eşim ağlamaya ve bırakın diye yalvarmaya başlamıştı.Diğeri eşimim üstüne gelerek tişortunu yukarı sıyırdı.elindeki bıcakla sütyenini ortadan keserek göğüslerini açiğa çıkararak emmeye başladı.bu arada bacaklarını okşuyordu.Eteğini yukarı sıyırarak eşimin kilotunu çıkardı.Daha sonra eteğinide aşağı çekere çıkardı eşim çırıl çıplak kalmıştı.Diğeride eşimin ayak bileklerinden bastırıyor eşim hiç hareket edemiyordu.Ben arasıra hayvanlar diye bağırıyordum ama yapmacık olduğunu üçüde biliyordu.üçüncüsü eşimin bütün vücudunu okşuyor yalıyor göğüslerini ısırırcasına emiyordu.bir müddet sonra ayağa kalkıp pantolonunu ve kilotonu çıkardı siki dimdik olmuştu eşimin üzerine eğildi eşim tekrar yalvarırım yapmayın dedi ama adam sırıtarak eşimi üzerine uzanarak içine büyük bir zevkle eşimin üzerinde gidip gelmeye başladı.eşimin boynunu yalıyor ve eşime girip çıkıyordu eşim ağlamaya devam ediyordu.Nihayet adam bir süre sonra hırlayarak eşimin içine boşaldı.Bir müddet üstünde kaldıktan sonra kalktı.sıra ikincideydi oda çoktan pantolonunu çıkarıp eşimin üzerine eğildi.dudaklarını ağzına alıp emmeye başladı eşimin bacaklarını biraz kaldırıp içine girdi eşim artık itiraz etmiyordu öylece adamın altında yatıyordu.adam zevkini çıkarıtordu yarağını çıkarıp tekrar eşime sokuyordu.nihayet oda eşime iyice yumuldu hızllanarak eşimin içine oda boşaldı. müthiş zevk alıyordum.bende boşalmak üzereydim.üçüncüsüne sıra gelmişti.Eşim artık yerde hareketsiz itiraz etmeden yatıyprdu.üçüncüsünün dayanacak hali kalmamıştı hemen eşimin içine girerek sikmeye başladı elleriyle memelerini adeta yoğuruyoe dudadklarını ısırır gibi emiyordu oda hırlayarak eşimim içine boşaldıktan sonra üzerinden kalktı.Eşimi ilk siken sıgarasını bitirmişti tekrar eşimin yanına geldi eşim yerde büzülmüş vaziyette yatıyordu saclarından tutarak hoşuna gittimi oruspu şimdi seni götünden sikeceğim dedi ben bırak hayvan yeter dedim.Eşimde hayır yapmayın dedi. Eşim ilk defa arkadan yapılacaktı bunu onlara söylemiştim. Eşimi ters çevirdiler birisi eşimin beline oturarak elleriyle kalcasını iki yana açarak arka deliğini ortaya çıkardı. daha önce konuştuğumuz gibi benide eşimin yanına getirdiler.Eşimin götüne giren yarağı yakından görmek istiyordum.Adam sikini tükürükle ıslatıp başını eşimi götüne yaklaştırdı diğeri elleriyle eşimin kalçalarını yana ayırmış girmesini bekliyordu.Eşimin atacağı çığlığı heyecanla bekliyordum.adam eşimin arkasına yüklendi yarağının başı girdi diğeri eşimin kalcalarını parmaklarıyla biraz daha ayırdı adam tekrar yüklendi Eşimin çığlıklarını duymanızı isterdim. dğer adam eşimin belinde oturduğu için eşim hareket edemiyordu.eşim adeta böğürüyordu.ben arasıra hayvanlar diyordum.Adam eşimin götünü büyük bir zevkle sikerken inanın bende adamdan daha fazla zevk alarak seyrediyordum.Dimdik yarağın eşimin götüne girip çıkması ve eşimin haykırması beni zevkten çıldırtmaya yetiyordu.Eşime seni ben siktiriyorum dememek için kendimi zor tutuyordum.Nihayet adam bağırarak eşimin götünede boşaldı.Anlaşmamıza göre diğer ikisi eşimi arkadan sikmiyeceklerdi.fazla olur diye düşünmüştüm.Anlaşmamıza göre ben sikscektim.Adam eşimin üstünden kalktı. diğeri hala eşimin belinde oturuyordu.Adam ellerimi ve ayaklarımı çözdü.Eşimin baş tarafına geçerek bıçağı göstererek şimdi sen kendi karını götünden sikeceksin bizde seyredeceğiz hayır hayvanlar dedim adam bıçağı eşimin boğazına götürdü ve istersen yapma dedi tamam istediğiniz olsun dedim eşime özür dilerim dedim eşim tamam anlamında başını salladı zevkle eşimin arkasına geçtim.her zaman isteyipte söylemeye cesaret edemediğim götü şimdi sikecektim eşimin üzerine uzanıp yarağımı götüne yanaştırdım.götü hafif açılmıştı.yüklenerek götüne girdim.Gercekten sik hadi zevk aldığını bize göster dedi adam.bende eşimin götüne girip çıkmaya başladım zaten müthiş tahrik omuştun bir kaç sefer girip çıknca zevkle eşimin güyüne boşalmıştı. eşimin üstünde kalktım.diğer ikisi eşimi sırt üstü çevirdiler.eşin hiç bir şey yapamıyordu adam eşimi bacaklarını omuzuna alarak amcığına yarağını soktu diğeri eşimin göğüslerini okşuyurdu.adam yavaş yavaş eşime girip çıkıyordu.eşimle göz göze geldik.yüzü iyice kızarmıştı orgazm olacağı zaman hep yüzü böyle kızarırdı.Ama herhalde benim yanlış anlamamdan çekinerek kendini sıkıyordu adam eşimin içine boşalmıştı.aynı pozisyonda diğeri eşimin içine girdi götünden siken karımın göğüslerini emiyordu.(Eşim göğüslerinden çok tahrik olur)Bunu daha önce adamlara anlatmıştım ve eşimin boşalmasını istiyordum.Adam düzenli hareketlerle eşime girip çıkarken diğeri memelerini emiyordu.eşim gözlerini benden ayırmıyordu.iyice kızarmıştı.sanki bana bakarak kacacığım seni hayal ediyorum yanlış anlama der gibiydi adam giderek hızlandı eşim gayri ihtiyari bacaklarını adamın beline dolamış ve karşılık vermeye başlamıştı.adam bağırarak eşimin içine boşalırken eşim ağlamakla karışık inliyerekgyerken adamlar benim elimi tekrar bağladılar haep beraber arabaya binerek diğer arabanın yanına gittik.arabadan indiler bitanesi inerken eşimin dudaklarına yapışıp uzun uzun emdi emdi.(bu anlaşmamızda yoktu) oda arabaya binerek hızla uzaklaştılar eşim ellerimi çözdü direksiyona oturup eşime baktım.gözleri kızarmış dudağı emilmekten mos mor olmuştu.Hiç konuşmadan eve gittik.Eşim bonyoya girdi uzun süre çıkmadı. Sonra ben banyoyo girdim yemek yedik.Yemekten biraz sonra yatcağını söyleyerek gitti biraz sonra ben yanına gittim.Özür dilerim benim suçum oraya ıssız yere gitmemiz gerekirdi dedim.Kimsenin suçu yok sadece hayvanlar var dedi ve beni üzerine çekti üzerinde bişey yoktu.Göğüsleri ve etrefı morarmıştı.orgazm olduğuma kızdınmı elimde değildi dedi hayır bitanem karıcığim kızmadım karımın sikildiği o anı göz önüne getirirek karımı çılgnca sikerken onunda bana çılgınca karşılık verirken ne düşündüğünü merak ettim. Eşim dekolte ve mini giymeye devam ediyor.bende değişik şeyler için planlar düşünüyorum.
Friday, December 27, 2013
hem kizi hemde annesini Hem Annesini Hemde Kızını Sikiyorum
ben lise 3 e gidiyorum ve bizim sınıfta özge diye bir kız var kız kelimenin tam anlamıyla bir afet.daracık okul eteginden belli olan kalçaları için sınıf olarak neler vermezdik.ben herzaman onu düşünüp 31 cekmişimdir.bu özge ile evlerimizde yakındı komşularımızdı yani ailesi.arada ona gider ders falan calışırdım.yine birgün ders calışma özgelere gittim.kız okul etegiyleydi ve evdede kimse yoktu bir miktar dees calıştık arada kalkıyor mutfaga falan gidiyordu bende o kalcalarına bakıp benim aleti avucluyordum.gitgide kabarmış cadır olmuştu benşmkş.kız gorecek diye aklım cıkıyordu ama git gide kaynamaya başlamıştı kaldı su kaynatacaktı. neyse ben artık bunu becermeyi kafaya ara elimi bacaklarına degdirdim yanlışlıkla olmuş gibi bişey demedi bende cesaretle elimi bacagının üstüne anda napıyosun mert demezmi o tatlı sesiyle deli oldum.napacam sikecem seni dedim üstüne cullandım.bu dur falan diyodu ama kimin umurunda aldım altına sıyırdım etegi bi de tokat aşkettim coşkun misalı..kızın ama eli attım kurcalamaya başladım baktım inlemeye başlıyor vay orospu şunu agzına cıkardım aleti görmeliydiniz benim dev alet ve özgenin küçücük agzı muhteşemdiler.arada cıkarıp bunun diline vurduruyordum yarrağı annemler gelebilir falan diyodu bu ben pek umursamıyodum.sonra yat dedim ayır bacaklarını kızım falan dedi onu o küçük götünü sallamadan düşünecektin dedim.sıyırdım tangasını kaymak gibi am karşımdaydı biraz yüklendin girmedi sonra hızla dayadım ve bi ciglık attı özge artık kaymağın içindeydim ateş gibiydi bunun bacaklarını iyice ayırıp yüklendim amına 10 dk falan gittim geldim sonra bi anda kapı acıldı ve biz şok olduk özgenin anası suzan teyze ben kızının amının içinde kızı yerde benim yarrağı yerken direk fotoğraf hani napacagımı sasırdım.kızın amından da cıkamadım kız sadece anne diyebildi.suzan teyze baktı baktı vay küçük orospu seni dedi.burada balta sapı gibi yarrak var sen ananı cağırmayıp kendinmi yiyorsun demezmi.ben ikinci şoku yaşadım.suzan teyzede 40 yaşlarında taş gibi kadın.kızının amından cıkarttırdı bana yarrağı aldı agzına başladı saksoya.ben 2 dk dayanamadım ve fıskıye gibi boşaldım.suzan bırakırmı bi daha aldı benimkini dikleştirdi.hadi dedi sok amıma ben dururmuyum aldım soktum kafasının başladım içinde gitmeye o da sok aslanım kızımı da beni de sik helal sana bu am falan diyodu bende sikerim teyzecim her zaman diye diye daha da derine sokuyordum.bu arada özgede elinden şekeri alınmış cocuk gibi benim yarrağın anasının amına girişine bakıp mastürbasyon yapıyordu.ben daha fazla dayanamadım suzan teyzemin içine dehşetle boşaldım.sonrası mı sonra neler oldu neler ama onları daha sonra anlatacam..
ben lise 3 e gidiyorum ve bizim sınıfta özge diye bir kız var kız kelimenin tam anlamıyla bir afet.daracık okul eteginden belli olan kalçaları için sınıf olarak neler vermezdik.ben herzaman onu düşünüp 31 cekmişimdir.bu özge ile evlerimizde yakındı komşularımızdı yani ailesi.arada ona gider ders falan calışırdım.yine birgün ders calışma özgelere gittim.kız okul etegiyleydi ve evdede kimse yoktu bir miktar dees calıştık arada kalkıyor mutfaga falan gidiyordu bende o kalcalarına bakıp benim aleti avucluyordum.gitgide kabarmış cadır olmuştu benşmkş.kız gorecek diye aklım cıkıyordu ama git gide kaynamaya başlamıştı kaldı su kaynatacaktı. neyse ben artık bunu becermeyi kafaya ara elimi bacaklarına degdirdim yanlışlıkla olmuş gibi bişey demedi bende cesaretle elimi bacagının üstüne anda napıyosun mert demezmi o tatlı sesiyle deli oldum.napacam sikecem seni dedim üstüne cullandım.bu dur falan diyodu ama kimin umurunda aldım altına sıyırdım etegi bi de tokat aşkettim coşkun misalı..kızın ama eli attım kurcalamaya başladım baktım inlemeye başlıyor vay orospu şunu agzına cıkardım aleti görmeliydiniz benim dev alet ve özgenin küçücük agzı muhteşemdiler.arada cıkarıp bunun diline vurduruyordum yarrağı annemler gelebilir falan diyodu bu ben pek umursamıyodum.sonra yat dedim ayır bacaklarını kızım falan dedi onu o küçük götünü sallamadan düşünecektin dedim.sıyırdım tangasını kaymak gibi am karşımdaydı biraz yüklendin girmedi sonra hızla dayadım ve bi ciglık attı özge artık kaymağın içindeydim ateş gibiydi bunun bacaklarını iyice ayırıp yüklendim amına 10 dk falan gittim geldim sonra bi anda kapı acıldı ve biz şok olduk özgenin anası suzan teyze ben kızının amının içinde kızı yerde benim yarrağı yerken direk fotoğraf hani napacagımı sasırdım.kızın amından da cıkamadım kız sadece anne diyebildi.suzan teyze baktı baktı vay küçük orospu seni dedi.burada balta sapı gibi yarrak var sen ananı cağırmayıp kendinmi yiyorsun demezmi.ben ikinci şoku yaşadım.suzan teyzede 40 yaşlarında taş gibi kadın.kızının amından cıkarttırdı bana yarrağı aldı agzına başladı saksoya.ben 2 dk dayanamadım ve fıskıye gibi boşaldım.suzan bırakırmı bi daha aldı benimkini dikleştirdi.hadi dedi sok amıma ben dururmuyum aldım soktum kafasının başladım içinde gitmeye o da sok aslanım kızımı da beni de sik helal sana bu am falan diyodu bende sikerim teyzecim her zaman diye diye daha da derine sokuyordum.bu arada özgede elinden şekeri alınmış cocuk gibi benim yarrağın anasının amına girişine bakıp mastürbasyon yapıyordu.ben daha fazla dayanamadım suzan teyzemin içine dehşetle boşaldım.sonrası mı sonra neler oldu neler ama onları daha sonra anlatacam..
Friday, December 20, 2013
Seksi hatunlar kosarken
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013
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Thursday, November 7, 2013
It was dark and we’d been driving for about four hours when she said she wanted to stretch her legs. We still had about another three hours to go and I didn’t need to be in until tomorrow so we weren’t in any hurry. I free sex told her the next rest stop we came to I’d stop. About three more miles down the highway I pulled into a dimly lit rest stop and parked next to the small building that housed the bathrooms. She got out and walked around a bit before she headed into the women’s bathroom. I quickly picked up the trash we had accumulated throughout the trip and headed for the restrooms as well.
After I tossed the bag of trash into the garbage Karen came out and washed her hands, smiling at me through the dirty mirror. I walked up behind her and wrapped free porn my arms around her waist as I kissed the back of her neck. She moaned lightly which echoed in the small tiled bathroom. I got a naughty idea. No one was around but us; I could mess with her easily and have my way with her. As we walked back to the car I slid my hands up her body to her breasts. It was slightly chilly so her nipples were already hard and pressed against her thin t-shirt.
She turned around and embraced me as she pressed her soft lips against mine as we leaned against her side of the car. Our tongues roamed each other’s mouths. I slid my hands up her shirt and cupped her breasts. As our home free sex kissed continued I raised my arms up pulling her shirt up with them revealing her perfect tits. I leaned down and flicked my tongue around her nipples, teasing her with random touches as I lifted her shirt over her head. Between my attention and the chill in the air, her nipples couldn’t have gotten any harder. Her long brown hair fell to her chest and shoulders once the t-shirt was completely off.
I pressed my body against hers again and kissed her. I could feel her breasts pushing against mine. She leaned forward and began to kiss at my neck working her way up to my earlobe. “I want you baby.” She moaned into my ear and pulled my shirt over my head. Once my shirt was off I opened the car door and got in, laying the seat all the way back. She looked down at me and smiled. We were both only down to our sweat pants. She climbed over me as she got into the car, her breasts hanging inches from my face. She sat in the drivers seat and leaned it as far back as it would go. As she did so, she reached back into her bag and after a few seconds of rummaging she found her dildo.
“You came prepared I see.” “Well, if you got the job I wanted to celebrate.” “And what if I don’t?” “We’re still gonna have some fun Katie,” she said with a smirk, “Now we’ve gotta do something about those sweat pants though baby.” She started tugging at the waist but couldn’t get them past my hips until I lifted my ass from the seat. Before I knew it she had worked my pants down my legs and off my feet. I moved to take off hers but she told me she had something in mind for me.
I quivered at the thought. She’s always been a little vixen and I don’t know why that surprised me as much as it did. She slid the pink marbleized free sex silicone cock over my shoulder and down to my chest, circling my hard nipples. She let the cool shaft graze over the tips of my nipples as she carefully and slowly moved the dildo down my body. As she reached my mound she turned her hand so the head of the fake cock rested right at the tip of my slit. She smiled at me as she pressed it against my lips, easily penetrating them and touching my clit.
Waves of anticipation roared through my body and I felt myself grow intensely wet. She slid the dildo further down making sure my lips were surrounding the sides of the shaft and began to tease my hole. She pulled the cock up then pushed it back down, each time letting the dildo enter deeper into my pussy. She looked into my eyes as she worked the cock around my pussy, teasing me with it. The seductive look in her eyes told me she wasn’t going to stop until I came.
I closed my eyes as I felt the cock penetrate me fully. It completely filled my tight pussy and I squeezed around it. She brought her other hand over and let her fingers to start a slow steady rhythm along my swollen clit as she began to fuck my pussy with the fake cock.
My entire body rocked with the flow of the cock, causing the car to rock as well. My breathing had sped up and my moans grew louder as she pumped the dildo in and out of my pussy. She placed a finger on either side of free sex my clit and began to wiggle them. I was totally consumed in the pleasure she was giving me. I rocked my hips, fondled my own breasts, rolling my nipples between my fingers causing my climax to build.
As my body writhed in the seat she read the signs and increased her movements. She pumped the cock in and out faster and stroked my throbbing clit harder with her fingers. I had gotten so loud I couldn’t hear her light moans anymore. Wave after wave of pleasure wracked my body until my orgasm reached its peak. I held my breath as it washed over me, my back arched and I pressed firmly against her hands. My entire body quivered as she slowly brought me down, easing her strokes until she was sure I was finished.
As she leaned forward to kiss me she carefully removed the dildo from my wetness, wrapped it in the towel, and placed it back in the bag. After I caught my breath I brought the seat back up and pulled on my sweats and t-shirt. She’d already dressed watched me as I did. Our eyes met and she giggled, “That was for good luck.” “I don’t need any luck when you’re around. But I do think you’ll need to drive. I can’t feel my legs.” I handed her the keys and we were off.
Monday, November 4, 2013
full indir
Well i really don't know why I'm sending you this message. Maybe i just need an outlet so i can let go of a frustrating knowledge i accidentally learned. Just call me Eve since I'm a female. I grew up with my Grans in a small town while my younger step sister grew up with my mom. She is younger to me by 7 years. I am also living now in the city with my Mom home pthc sex and my step sister Jane. We live in a townhouse in Family compound where our relatives resides as well. Mom and i aren't that close i just live with her so i can be near to my workplace. Since my Dad dies when i was 6 i think she lost herself, she keep on having g diff boyfriends, some became her husbands. She doesn't even have time for me. After my dad dies she never spoke to me like before. Recently she married Bob, he is a business man like my Mom. He is nice to my Mom and to me, They seemed happy and i wish that he will be the last man for her. But one time i discover something. My mom was out for a seminar for days. It was Wednesday night and I was in our backyard trying out the video quality of my new Video Camera. I will use it for my work. Then i heard something in our garage so i peeked through the window. Right inside the garage i saw my cousin (just tag her as Liz) and a guy kissing, they move around and i was shocked to see that the guy is my step father. I didn't know what to do, but since i have my videocam with me i decided record what was happening. Just so in case i need a proof in the future. I recorded everything. Them making out, pedo pthc
undressing each other, sometimes tickling each other. She sucked him first and then he licked her too. They do each other in different positions. Standing, 69, etch. It lasted for 35 mins. and i was there watching them like im watching my porns. My stepfather said she miss her so much and she replied she do to. I realized maybe they've been doing this secretly for long now. I know my cousin Liz is really in to married guys but i never imagined her cheating with my stepfather. she was my moms favorite among my cousins. though were not close i thought she respected my mom. Maybe not. I was worn out with what i discovered that night and i decided to stay in my room and take a day off the following day. But then i decided to confront my pedo sex
cousin Liz about what i saw that night. I went to they're house, it's inside our compound too. She lives only with her Brother Tomas since they're parents stayed in the town. I knocked but no one answers, the door is open though so i decided to come in. I saw a note posted on their TV screen saying that cousin Liz is out and will be back in the evening. I wonder where she is and whom with. My blood boiled again with anger. i was about to step out when i hear a laughter. it sounds curiosity strikes again and i followed the noise. It antalya escort led me to a room near the kitchen. the door is partly open and i once again peeked in. there i saw my Cousin Thomas doing a girl from behind. I decided to take a back and just go home but the girl spoke and said "Oh shit cousin fuck me more". That voice is so familiar. I looked back again and see a side view of the girl's face. Then i realized that's my Step sister Jane. I was stunned but i managed to ran out of the house without anyone noticing me. I cant believe what i have found out in just a night and a day. now i don't know what to do. I don't even know if i have to tell my Mom everything. Will she believe me? I know i have a proof but should i also tell him about my stepsister's relationship with my cousin? what would she feel? I don't even have courage to confront anyone of them anymore. Right now i just decided not to tell anyone in my family about anything yet. It's too much even for me. I am also planing to move out. I cant live with them anymore. Maybe not until the truth reveals.
Monday, October 28, 2013
We were an average family of five, well known and respected in the community. My Dad, Ravi, was a postmaster at the local post-office and my Mum, Rani, was a staff-nurse at the district hospital. Dad was then 53 and Mum had just turned 50. Both had fallen in love with each other many moons ago and brought three of us into this world. My eldest sister, Sheela, was 27, a dentist by qualification, recently married to a lawyer and happily settled down in Kuala Lumpur. My second sister, Leela, was 22 and home pthc sex in her third year of a psychology degree at the Science University in Penang. My name is Mohan and I was the youngest at 18. I had just started my first semester, pursuing a Chemical Engineering degree at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur.
Our home was located in the town of Tampin in the southern part of Malaysia. At that time, we stayed in a government house (provided by the government, since both my parents were working in the civil service) in a "civil-servants" neighbourhood. The house was a typical Malay-style house, built of wood with the front half of the house, built on concrete stilts. We had a large veranda in the front, leading to the living room. There were two bedrooms opening up to the living room - one was occupied by my parents and the other by my sisters. The two rooms shared a common, large attached bathroom (WC plus shower) - you had to walk down a short stairs to the bathroom. Then we had a utility room which we used as our prayer room. This was all on the front half. pedo pthc The back half was on ground level - from the upper front half, you had to walk down a short stairs to the back part, which comprised of two bedrooms, a spacious dining area, kitchen, store, a large bathroom and a drying area. The two bedrooms were at each corner, separated by the kitchen and the store. This was an old house, but still in pretty good shape generally. The outer walls of the house were made of thick, sawn timber, but the inner partitions (between the rooms) were thin.
I occupied one of the bedrooms at the back and the other was used by my Grandpa before he died some years ago. This was now used by our live-in maid, Sundari. Sundari pthc was 50 (like Mum) and a widow, since the past 5 years. She has been our maid since I can remember and she brought us up. We fondly called her Aayahmah (literally translated as maid mother) and being the only boy around, I was her pet. Sundari shared a close relationship with my Mum. Her ex-husband worked as a labourer, but life was difficult for them and they could hardly make ends meet. They had a beautiful daughter, Mala, whose upbringing was financed by my parents' right from the start. Sundari, together with Mala, had moved into that room after her husband died (alcohol poisoning) more than 5 years ago. They became an integral part of our family and were very happy. Mala, a few weeks younger than me, had finished school and was now at a nurses' training college in Taiping.
We were third generation Tamils in Malaysia and were Hindus by religion. We observed prayers, fasts and special days, as well as visited the temple regularly. pedo sex
Neither Dad nor Mum smoked or drank alcohol. They were in perfectly good health (neither was overweight nor fat) and actually, looked much younger than their ages. They were careful about their diets but did not prevent us from eating anything that we liked. They were not really conservative but expected a certain discipline from us.
The story to follow happened in late 1976. I had a 2-week semester break and decided to spend all the time at home. Campus was my first time away from home for a long period and I missed my parents and home. For the first week, I was going to be there alone with my parents and Aayahmah. My sister, Leela, who was also having a 2-week semester break, would only come home the following weekend, as she had some assignments to complete.
I arrived home on Friday evening to the warm welcome of my Dad. Mum was away at a week-long refreshers' course in Kuantan and would be back on Saturday afternoon. I went to greet Aayahmah in the kitchen where she was preparing something for us to eat. She gave me a big hug and asked about my well-being.
Over dinner, Dad was asking me about my course and the campus. He brought me up to date about Sheila, Leela and Mala - how each of them was doing. After dinner, Dad and I went up to watch the news on TV, where he also updated me about the latest news and gossips in town. Aayahmah had her dinner, put away the dishes and cleaned up.
Around 11pm, I wished Dad goodnight and went to my room. I was feeling tired after the journey. As I went down the stairs, I saw Aayahmah sorting out the dirty clothes for washing.
"Good night, Aayahmah. It's good to be home again," I wished her.
"Good night, Chellam (translates as sweetheart in Tamil). Sleep well, you must be tired," she replied.
As I lay on my bed, my thoughts were moving from one thing to another, not really focussing on any one subject. I had everything a boy could ask for - pedo sex I had a good family, I excelled in my studies and sports and I was liked by everyone. But I was a late developer as far as sex was concerned - I had only discovered masturbation when I was close to 16. That was when I saw my first Penthouse magazine, lent to me by my best friend. I soon started reading more about sex and making love - the Kamasutra fascinated me. And, I saw my first porno film (40 mm) when I was 17.
But, at 18 I was still a total virgin. Sure I liked girls and had many girl friends at school and now, campus, but in our society many things at that young age were taboo. And, due to my late development in this area, I was also very, very ignorant. I never associated my family with sex for example. I never considered my Mum, Aayahmah or sisters in a sexual way. And worse, I didn't even think my parents were having sex - sure they had given birth to us, but I always assumed it was a task, not a pleasure (till I was 15, I still believed that the stork brought the babies from God to earth). Yes at 18, a very ignorant me. I dozed off to a deep slumber.
Woke up late the next day and after a shower, I sat down to have some hot breakfast or rather brunch. Dad had left early for work and would be back at 5pm. Aayahmah sat across me and chatted with me. She asked me about campus, my studies and friends. I gave her all the details. I asked her how Mala was doing and she updated me.
After brunch, I grabbed my bike and cycled to town. No particular purpose, but only to check if any of my former schoolmates were around. Not finding anyone, I cycled around aimlessly and then headed home. I told Aayahmah that pedo sex
I will skip lunch and instead do some homework. She was busy downstairs with the washing and cleaning.
Mum came home at 3pm. She looked as ever elegant in her nurse's uniform. I greeted her with a big hug.
"Look at you, you have grown darker," she exclaimed.
"Yeah, too much football under the sun, Mum," I replied. "How was your training course?" I asked.
"Oh, the usual, boring refreshers' course," she answered. "Let me go greet Aayahmah and get changed," she continued.
After she had greeted Aayahmah and exchanged some small talk, she went to her room to get changed. "I am going to lay down for a nap, tired after the long week" Mum said. "We will go to the temple later for prayers," she continued.
"Ok, it will be nice to go with Dad and you," I answered.
Dad came home at around 6pm - he had stopped for a haircut on the way home. Mum had already woken up, had a shower and dressed to go to temple. She greeted Dad with a simple "Hi, Athan, how are you?" (Athan is Tamil word which wives use to dearly call their husbands). Dad replied that he was fine and asked her when she had got back. She told him to go take a shower, as we were going to the temple.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
teşekkürler baba :)
"Daddy and Dee" is not intended to condone sex with minors. It is merely a figment of my imagination based on a common fantasy played by adults. If this type of fantasy is offensive, please return now.
"Hi, Daddy." Dee's wheat-color pigtail dangled as she poked her tilted head in from the doorway.
Daddy sat on the sofa, wearing only his boxer shorts. He set the newspaper aside and removed his glasses. "Come in, Sweetie."
Reluctantly, Dee stepped out from behind the wall and into the room. She was dressed in a short navy pleated skirt and a crisp white shirt. The school uniform included the standard white knee socks and black patent leather shoes.
Daddy studied her astutely. They had played many fantasies during their years of marriage, home pthc sex but playing Daddy's little girl was still Dee's favorite. The role was befitting of her character and small-framed, girlish appearance.
"Trouble at school again, dear?" When she lowered her eyes, Daddy's expression grew stern. "Daddy asked you a question."
Biting her lower lip, Dee nodded.
"How bad?"
"The p'incipal--"
"The principal?"
Hands clasped behind her, Dee swung from side to side. "Aha. He said I have to be punished a lot, cause I was a very bad girl."
"I see." Daddy barely stifled a smile.
"Honest, Daddy, it wasn't my fault," Dee suddenly blurted in her defense.
"All right, you better tell Daddy what happened."
"Um..." she began with trepidation, "he--"
"I should have known there was a "he" involved in this," Daddy muttered, displeased. "What about him?"
Dee grimaced. "Welllll..."
"Well, he said he had something to show me."
"And?" Daddy demanded when she did not continue.
"It was a secret," Dee rushed ahead. "That's why we had to sneak into the old classroom." She rocked up on her toes, and back.
"Aren't you forgetting something, Dee?"
"What?" She first looked puzzled, then suddenly enlightened. "Oh, I know. When I get into trouble, I have to lick your penis while I tell you about it." pedo pthc With a bursting smile, she skipped on over.
"You just kneel right here between Daddy's legs." Daddy dropped a cushion to the floor, then slid a hand inside his boxer shorts and maneuvered his cock to poke through the slit. "Gently, dear," he admonished when Dee's hand wrapped around the semi-hard shaft a little too enthusiastically.
Reining in her impulses, Dee eased her grip, then used the little pink tip of her tongue to tease. "That better, Daddy?"
"Much. So what did this boy show you when you went into the room?"
Dee made a circle around the swelling head, then answered, "Nothing."
"What do you mean, nothing?" Daddy looked puzzled.
"He said if I wanted to see it, I would have to show him my pussy first," she explained, tilting her head to the side.
"I see." Daddy paused. "Did you agree?"
Stroking his hardened shaft smoothly, she gave him another slick lick. "Aha, he promised I would really like what he had."
"Dee, what did Daddy tell you about boys and your pussy?"
"But, Daddy, you said I shouldn't let them play with it. You didn't say I couldn't show it to them," she argued with big innocent blue eyes.
Daddy shook his head. "We'll talk about that later. Let's hear the rest."
"Johnny? Why didn't you say it was Johnny? He has Daddy's permission to play with you."
She shrugged her shoulders. "Guess I forgot to say his name."
Daddy harrumphed. Then changing his tone, he said, "Okay, sweetie, but you made Daddy worry. You know what that means."
Dee lowered her head remorsefully. "I have to be punished."
"Extra," he emphasized. "Now go on."
"Johnny said I had to pull my skirt up reaaal slow, inch by inch. He said if I went too fast, I'd have to start all over again."
"Did you, have to start again?"
"Three times." Making an O with thumb and index, she held up three fingers. "But I don't know why, Daddy, every time I did, my panties got more wetter."
"That's because you like Johnny so much."
"I do," Dee agreed fondly. Then her expression turned from mischief to concern. "But I don't pedo love him the way I love you, Daddy," she professed.
"Daddy loves you too, honey." His caressing eyes met hers, then sighing, he leaned back. "Don't forget Daddy's balls."
Dee gently spread the slit of the boxer shorts and eased out his scrotum. Then she lifted the hefty erection and proceeded to oblige.
"There's a good girl. You know how much Daddy loves you licking his balls."
Giving one testicle a thorough laving, Dee continued. "For the longest time, Johnny kept on staring at my panties and, for some reason, rubbing the front of his pants. I finally got tired of waiting and said, "Johnny, do you want to see my pussy or don't you?"" Hand on hip, she mimicked the demand. "That's when he started to unzip his pants."
"What for?"
"That's what I wanted to know," Dee replied matter-of-factly. "He said he was just getting ready for showing me his dick. I asked him what a dick was, but he said he wasn't going to tell me until he saw my pussy."
"That was fair, Dee, you did agree to it," Daddy pointed out.
"I know, Daddy." She cupped the saliva-soaked sacs and ran her tongue up and down his shaft. "But that Johnny is so silly," she said with a giggle. "He forgot I couldn't hold my skirt up and pull my panties down all at the same time. I had to remind him."
"Clever girl! Did Johnny solve the problem?"
"Aha, he pulled my panties down himself." Dee giggled again. "But, Daddy, the whole time, his breath kept tickling my pussy and making me laugh."
"Did that make him mad?"
She grew thoughtful. "I don't think so, cause he just kept on smiling."
"Did he show you his dick then?"
"Nope!" Dee said, frowning. Then she made Daddy wait with another bout of leisurely licking before explaining. "He said he couldn't really see my pussy with me standing. That's why I had to sit on the chair and spread my legs for him. But you know what, Daddy, I think Johnny needs glasses."
"Why do you say that?"
"Cause no matter how much I spreaded, he still couldn't see, and wanted me to open wider."
Daddy cleared his throat and sat forward. "Why don't you show Daddy just how wide you had...spreaded."
Dee released him and plunked to the floor. When she hiked her skirt out of the way, Daddy's eyes widened, scandalized. "Dee, don't tell me you didn't put your panties back on afterward."
"I wore them, Daddy. Honest."
"Then why aren't you wearing any now?"
"Um..." She glanced around the room, stalling. "I don't have them."
"Who does?"
"The p'incipal."
Daddy shook his head, then contemplated. "I suppose if the principal has them, there must be good reason."
"There is, Daddy," Dee confirmed, nodding. But when she launched into an explanation, he interrupted.
"Why don't we wait till you get to that part. Go ahead and show Daddy how wide."
"This wide," she said, parting her legs thirty-five degrees.
"Now see, honey, you can't blame Johnny," Daddy said wisely. "Do you remember when Daddy showed pedo sex you your pussy in front of the mirror? Remember how wide you had to open?"
"O' yeah." Recalling the lesson with a smile, she pushed her legs farther out. "Like this, Daddy?"
"Wider, honey. Bend your knees."
Adjusting her hips, Dee pulled her legs in and spread to her capacity.
"There, that's how wide it should be." Daddy licked his lips with his eyes transfixed on her gaping vagina, then gave himself a deliberate shake. "Go on with your story, Dee." But as she made to re-rise, he stayed her. "No, sweetie, Daddy wants to look at your pussy while he listens for a while."
Dee sighed, then leaned back on her hands and forged ahead. "Daddy, I must like Johnny an awful lot, cause the whole time he was looking at my pussy, it just kept getting wetter and wetter."
"That's what good pussies do, honey. Is that when he showed you his dick?"
"Um, um," Dee shook her head to emphasize. "So I told him I would leave if he didn't." Thoughtfully, she added, "But I think he had just forgotted about it."
"I can see how that could happen."
"He finally told me to close my eyes real tight and count to ten. When I opened them, he was standing there with his penis sticking out of his pants. He must've tended to it when my eyes were closed, Daddy, cause it was already big."
"No, honey, penises do that sometimes."
"You mean without tending?"
"Yes." When Dee's expression remained confused, Daddy elaborated. "See how your pussy is wetting now? Daddy is not playing with it, is he?"
Dee glanced down and giggled. "Oh, yeah. That's cause I love you so much, huh, Daddy?" Then mulling this information over, she smiled with dawning comprehension. "Does that mean Johnny likes me too?"
"Yes, it does."
"O' goody," she squealed delighted. Then she grew pensive again. "But, Daddy, sometimes my pussy gets wet when no one I like is there."
"That's called being horny. It happens when your pussy needs a penis. It gets wet by itself to let you know."
"Horny, Daddy? Is that why it hurts sometimes, cause it wants a penis real bad?"
"Yes, sweetie. When it doesn't get one, it gets frustrated and starts to hurt. What do you do when that happens?"
Embarrassed, Dee looked away.
"Honey, you know you have to tell Daddy."
"I play with it till I get the fuzzy," she murmured. "Otherwise the hurt doesn't go away."
"Well, sweetie, it's the same for a boy. His penis gets big to let him know it needs a pussy."
"Does it get f'ustated and hurt too?"
"O' yes. And it doesn't go away until it gets to cream."
"I didn't know that," Dee said wide-eyed. "Pooooor Johnny."
"Yes, poor Johnny. Sweetheart, Daddy needs you to lick his penis again now."
With Dee taking the matter back into her delicate little hand, Daddy enjoyed a lengthy moan, then asked, "What happened after Johnny showed you his penis?"
"I got mad. Cause he still hadn't showeded me his dick. But he pointed to his penis and said that that was it. I told him he was wrong cause that was his penis. He said they call it a dick too." Dee gave Daddy's cock-head a heated tongue-lashing, then raised searching eyes. "Is that true, Daddy?"
"It's true. There are other names too. Daddy will teach them all to you later."
"Then can I call it a dick sometimes?"
"Yes, dear, you can. Did you like Johnny's dick?"
Dee sighed. "It wasn't as big as yours."
"You didn't tell him that, did you?" Daddy looked alarmed.
"I did," she replied defiantly.
"Sweetheart, you never tell a boy his penis isn't big enough."
Contrite, Dee murmured, "Yes, Daddy."
"What did Johnny say?"
Before replying, she tightened her hold and devoted a moment to Daddy's shaft. "He pedo sex said it would get bigger if I touched it. But I didn't believe him, so I rubbed it to see for myself."
"Good girl. Did it get bigger?"
She shrugged. "A little. He said for it to get real big, I had to lick it too."
"Did you believe that?"
"No, Daddy, I'm not 'tupid--I had to see for myself."
"How did you lick it?"
"The way I lick to thank you."
"Show Daddy exactly how."
With the edict, Dee moistened her lips and embarked on a precise execution of the tribute. "I started with his balls. Like this." Soft fleshy tongue lapped at Daddy's testicles, drenching them with saliva. Then she gave the inflated glands a few playful bounces and continued. "Then I licked the pole part, up and down. Like this, Daddy."
"Did you make sure you covered every inch?"
Dee halted. Indignant with the implication her performance may have fallen short, she haughtily replied, "Course, Daddy!"
"Dee!" Daddy barked, suddenly outraged.
"You know better, young lady; never, ever, do you stop like that when attending a penis."
Dee bowed her head. "I sorry, Daddy, I forgot."
"All right, dear," he graciously relented after a moment's hesitation. "But Daddy is going to have to punish you another extra for that. You will apologize properly then."
"Yes, Daddy." She sounded resigned, but perked up quickly. "Then I licked the head just like you taught me, round and round." Her slippery tongue began at the rim, closing in on the tiny slit with circle after slow circle. By the time she swept the tangy-tasting seepage into her mouth and brought the show-and-tell to conclusion, Daddy had well and long been lost in euphoria.
Eyes fluttering open, he exhaled a sigh of pleasure. "You did exactly right, sweetheart. Now Johnny knows what a good little dick licker you are."
"But, Daddy," Dee said with disappointment, "it still didn't get as big as yours. Then I 'membered how yours gets the biggest when I suck on it."
"Good thinking, Dee. Did you suck on Johnny's dick?"
"Not really. Just as I put it in my mouth, the door flew open and the p'incipal bu'st in."
Daddy's eyebrows shot up. "Oh, Dee, what did he do?"
"I don't know why, but he got very u'set. He made Johnny put his dick back in his pants and leave."
"What about you?"
Dee conscientiously stopped for another licking before continuing. "He took my panties and sniffed them. He said he can tell how bad a little girl has been by smelling her panties."
"That's true."
"But you never smell my panties."
"Daddy has a little secret, sweetie. He smells them every night after you put them in the hamper. In case you forget to tell him that you've been bad. You wouldn't want to go unpunished, would you?"
"O' no, Daddy, I wouldn't. Should I do another thank you now?"
"Maybe later."
Displaying a mild disappointment, Dee continued with her tale. "The worst part, Daddy, is that I still don't know how big Johnny's dick would've gotted."
"I'm sure he won't mind giving you another chance to find out."
"You think?"
Daddy ignored her question and asked another of his own. "What did the principal do then?"
"He made me stay on the chair and keep my legs wide open. He kept pointing at my pussy and telling me what a bad girl I was. I told him I had my Daddy's pe'mission to play with Johnny, but he said he didn't want to dis'uss it until after he punished me."
"He punished you? How?"
"He made me bend over the chair, and hold the seat with one hand and my skirt up with the other while he spanked me. He said I had to keep my legs real straight for him or he wouldn't be able to spank me hard enough."
"Sweetie, you know your bum has to turn that pretty red color Daddy likes so much. Otherwise it won't really be a punishment."
"I know, but it took him forever, cause he kept missing and spanking my pussy instead."
"Well, honey, in that position, that's easy to do. Daddy will show you some time. Right now, he needs you to attend to his penis again."
Daddy tolerated the expert tongue caressing with a steady stream of deep murmurs, but not for long. "That feels too good, sweetie, I think you better tell Daddy what happened next."
"I almost told him he wasn't spanking my bum right, but then I 'membered he's the p'incipal, so he couldn't be wrong. It's a good thing I 'membered, huh, Daddy? Or he would've thought I'm a real dummy."
"A very good thing."
"After he finally finished, I had to stay like that so he could take a look at my pussy. He was very pleased with it, and wanted to know if it always gets so wet after a spanking."
"Cup Daddy's balls, baby," Daddy requested when Dee took a moment to attend to her oral duty. "That's good."
"I essplained," she continued breathlessly, "how a good spanking is the best way to make my pussy wet enough. But, Daddy, I think the p'incipal was testing me, cause then he asked, "Wet enough for what?"
"What did you answer?"
"Why, for my Daddy to stick his penis in it, 'course."
Daddy's eyebrows arched.
"He said he can tell my Daddy loves me very much and knows what's best for me. But, Daddy, how come the p'incipal was panting so hard?"
"Punishing you made him horny, honey. You remember, that new word Daddy taught you."
"But you don't pant like that when you spank me."
"That's because Daddy keeps stopping to let you apologize. See, honey, sucking on his penis helps him breathe easier."
"Oh," Dee uttered, looking rather confused.
"Sweetheart, when a horny penis doesn't get attended to, and gets too frustrated, it makes it hard to breathe. Now do you understand?"
"Um...I think so."
"Good. What happened next?"
"Daddy, how did the p'incipal know my pussy has a fuzzy whenever you put your penis in it? He called the fuzzy a different name. I can't 'member what."
"Honey, he's the principal, he knows everything."
"Ohhh." Dee looked illuminated briefly. "He said Daddies like pussies that have a fuzzy when their penis is in it. He said that makes it a good pussy. I got worried though, cause it only does it when you play with my little button, but he said that was pe'fe'tly asseptable."
"It certainly is."
"Then he asked if I knew why it's impo'tant for my Daddy to cream lots. I said cause I can only be as good a girl as my Daddy creams."
"Oh, sweetheart, Daddy's so proud of you for remembering the right answer."
"But the p'incipal got mad at me. He said it's o'vious I don't make my Daddy cream enough cause I'm always in trouble. So he gave me an assi'ment."
"What assignment?"
Dee hesitated.
"Sweetie, Daddy is waiting."
Avoiding eye contact, she said, "I have to be bad on pu'pose so you can punish me. He said that would make you cream more."
"Your principal is a very wise man."
Dee looked up startled. "You mean you don't mind?"
"Why would Daddy mind?"
"Cause he said punishing and making cream are hard work. I thought you might get mad at me."
"Honey, Daddy never really gets mad at you. Even when he punishes you, it's only because you need discipline."
"Oh. I forgot again."
"Was there anything else?"
"He said I should always thank my Daddy for everything he does for me, especially punishing me. You know, cause it's such hard work."
"Not just Daddy, sweetheart. Don't forget, the penis rules apply to any penis that has Daddy's permission to play with you."
Dee acknowledged his interjection with a nod and continued. "I told him I do thank my Daddy for everything. That that's why I lick his penis all the time so I don't assidentally forget. He said it would be better if I suck it. I essplained that that's how I 'pologize--I suck on my Daddy's penis to say I'm sorry. He thought that was an essellent way to 'pologize."
"Yes, an excellent way," Daddy echoed.
"Then he said he wasn't sure my pussy was wet enough from the spanking for my Daddy's penis. I told him it was, but he wouldn't believe me."
"Did he look again?"
"Not just look, Daddy, he stuck his finger in it too. I told him I'm not supposed to let boys play with my pussy without my Daddy's pe'mission. But he said it was okay for him to play with it, cause he's not a boy, he's a man. I felt real silly for not 'membering that. Do you think he'll be mad at me, Daddy?" Tilting her head, Dee twirled one pigtail with her finger thoughtfully.
"No, I don't think so, but you forgot something else too."
"What?" She looked befuddled.
"As your principal, he can do whatever he thinks is right with you. Daddy explained that to you before."
"Guess I forgot again. I sorry I never 'member anything, Daddy," she said, deflated.
"Oh, sweetie, Daddy loves you just as you are. Specially that you forget things." He sent her a meaningful glance that made her giggle. "So, did the principal think you were wet enough after he stuck his finger in your pussy?"
"He still couldn't tell. He said he had no choice but to taste my pussy. So he knelt down behind me and started licking. But for some reason, he just wasn't able to tell, and had to lick and lick. After a while, all that licking made me need the fuzzy real bad. "Does that mean I like the p'incipal too?"
"Apparently you do," Daddy answers."
"I didn't know that." Dee frowns thoughtfully.
"Did he let you have a fuzzy?
"Um, um--he wouldn't let me have one, as part of my punishment. Then it got much worser, cause he still couldn't tell and was forced to stick his tongue way inside my pussy. He said I had to push back real hard to help him get it in far enough. By then, Daddy, I needed the fuzzy so bad, it hurt." Dee stopped to catch her breath before continuing. "He did give me pe'mission to bend my knees, but said if I moved out of position, he was going to spank me all over again."
"Were you able to stay?"
"Yes, but the more he tasted, the harder it got to cossetrate on keeping my legs together. Only thing that helped a little was rubbing my bum against his face while he licked. Honest, Daddy, I thought he was never going to stop."
"These things take time, sweetheart. It was very nice of the principal to put so much effort into your discipline. Did he think your pussy was wet enough then?"
"He said it was wet enough for my Daddy to stick his penis in only once. And as bad as I had been, that was not enough. He said I'd have to do lots of 'pologizing tonight if I want to be a good girl again. Daddy, please, I don't want to stay bad."
"Honey, Daddy will do everything he can to make you good."
"But what if I can't make you cream enough?"
"Then he'll just have to keep punishing you. That always makes Daddy cream."
"Thank you, Daddy, that makes me feel much better." And to express her gratitude, she gifted him with another hearty licking.
"Daddy, did you know the p'incipal has a little girl too? But she isn't as bad as me, and he doesn't have to cream as much. That's why he has to pra'tice, so he doesn't forget how. He said today was his pra'tice day. And since I need all the cream I can get, he would pra'tice on me."
"Wasn't that nice."
"I think he was trying to help you too, so you wouldn't have to work so hard tonight."
"I'm sure he was. Tell Daddy about this practice."
"First I had to kneel on the floor in front of him and unbutton my blouse."
"I hope you were wearing your bra," Daddy interrupted.
"No, I forgot again," Dee admitted, her voice waning.
"Dee, your titties are much too big for you to go to school without a bra."
"I sorry, Daddy."
"I know you are, baby, but that's going to have to cost you another extra," he said, hopelessly. "Now show Daddy those big titties, like you showed them to the principal." When she did, he reached out and jiggled one. "Did he play with them?"
"No, he just went ahead and dropped his pants. And he wasn't wearing any unnerwears. Daddy, his penis was sooo big. I guess that's cause he," she paused to remember. "O' yeah, horny."
"See how punishing you made him need to cream?"
"Really, Daddy?" Dee looked up with a smug smile, then planted a smacking kiss on the swollen dome.
"Honey, Daddy's ready for you to do some apologizing now."
"Are you going to spank me?" she asked eagerly.
"No, sweetie, not until you finish your story. But you made Daddy's balls fill up too quickly and he can't wait that long. That's why you're going to have to unload them for him now with an apology."
"Am I going to get punished another esstra for that one too, Daddy?"
"What do you think, dear?" He gave her a dismissive pat on the head. "Now listen carefully, Dee--Daddy has a special instruction for you. When the cream comes, he wants you to let it all run out of your mouth."
"But shouldn't I be eating it?"
"You will, I promise. But can you do that for Daddy?"
She nodded anxiously.
"Good. And, sweetie, don't forget where you left off."
"I won't." Holding the granite erection in her fist, Dee looked ready to pounce. "Now, Daddy?"
"Now. Ha," he sucked in when she swallowed half the length on the first try and another two inches on the second. "What, baby, you hungry for Daddy?"
"Mmmmm." Mouth full, her hand pumped rhythmically.
"Then eat him up."
Dee sucked deeply, lovingly. Her head bobbed faster and faster.
"Yes, Daddy has to make you work for your cream. Such a bad girl." One hand on her head, he watched and reveled in her performance. "That's right, you apologize to your Daddy."
A muffled grunt of frustration rose as Dee sucked and slobbered with increased ardor.
"Are you real sorry, baby?" Daddy's speech was quickly growing labored. "Looks like you need one of Daddy's special punishments tonight."
Dee's small whimper confirmed the prognosis.
"Is that right, sweetie? You need Daddy to hurt you? You want to cry for him...when he's sticking...his your tight, little...bum?"
Instead of apprehension, Dee's response was an exhilarated sharp intake of breath, which then spun into a melodic whimper of anticipation.
"All right, baby...Daddy's ready to accept now..." His eyelids fluttered shut and he threw his head back ecstatically. "...Accept...apology. Ahhh, there..."
In her excitement, Dee's rear rose higher and gyrated more emphatically. "Em...em," she puffed, cum slithering through her rosy lips.
"On your face," Daddy whispered in the midst of frenzy.
With her mouth parted, dollops of fresh white sperm ran down Dee's chin while she obediently rubbed the sputtering cock against her skin.
"There...Daddy's creaming good...for his baby." Expelling more hot semen against her soft cheek, he murmured, "Yes...he has to cream, he has to make her a good girl."
"Did I do right, Daddy?" Dee asked, having ensured his complete drainage.
His tensed body relaxed visibly. "You did very right. No, honey," he objected when she raised her shirttail, "Daddy wants to see his cream on your face. It makes you look even prettier."
For the compliment, Dee rewarded him with a beatific smile.
"Now then, where were we?"
"Where the p'incipal was getting ready to pra'tice. See, Daddy, I didn't forget," she added proudly.
"Good girl." Sated for the moment, Daddy closed his eyes. "Make sure you've eaten all your cream by the time you finish, Dee."
"I will." She quickly licked a runny drop off the back of her hand, then urgently lapped for the bulk before Daddy's inevitable wilting.
"The p'incipal said..." Dee dabbed the corner of her mouth with a finger and licked it. "I had to watch his penis very closely while he pra'ticed."
"Did he make you play with it?"
"No, but he asked if I liked it."
"Jesus, Dee," Daddy's eyes popped open, "I hope you didn't tell him his was too small too."
"'Course not! I already said his penis was very big. And I mean very big, Daddy."
Daddy couldn't hold back a chuckle.
"Then he started pumping with his hand; you know, like you do sometimes. I had to hold my titties together for him, cause he wanted to make sure he got plenty on both of them when he creamed. It didn't take him at all long, Daddy. He made a real mess too. But I didn't mind, cause it was all hot and gooey, just like yours."
"He must've gotten very horny punishing you."
"I think so too. When he was finished, he rubbed the cream into my titties with his penis and made it all gone. He said that way I might make it home before I get into any more trouble."
"Did you thank him?"
"No, Daddy," she answered, distressed by her negligence.
"Shame on you, Dee. Tomorrow, I want you to thank him properly."
"You mean the way I thank you?"
"Yes, he was very good to you, wasn't he?"
"Yes, Daddy."
"Go on."
"He said I was bad cause I went into the room with Johnny alone. He said if I go in there in his abse'ce again, you and he will have to punish me together, cause I'll need to be punished a lot harder."
"Then you better not forget."
Dee swirled her tongue and deftly captured another sliding drop of goo off Daddy's hanging pouch. "I won't, I promise. But why?"
"Well, honey, you still have a lot to learn. That's why you go to school. He wants to make sure you get it right."
"Daddy, I want to do everything that makes your penis happy right." She flashed him a brilliant smile.
"You already do, baby. You already do." Daddy's voice trailed as he stroked her head.
"Oh, I almost forgot." She paused for another collection. "The p'incipal wants to see me and Johnny in his office tomorrow. He's going to smell my panties and compare them to the ones I wore today when I was bad. That's why he kept them. I have to show him my bum too. If it doesn't look punished enough, he'll have to punish me some more."
"Daddy will do his best, sweetie, but you were very, very bad. Don't be surprised if the principal is not satisfied with your bum tomorrow."
"I unnerstand," Dee said with a pout.
"Just don't forget your manners. Daddy expects you to first thank the principal, then apologize for not having done so when you should have. And, Dee, you owe Johnny an apology too."
"Are you forgetting that his dick was still horny for you when he left that room?"
Dee shook her head slowly. "No, Daddy, but that wasn't my fault."
"Doesn't matter, sweetie. What's the rule?"
"When your penis needs tending, it's my responsibility to tend to it and make it feel good."
"And even if you haven't been here to attend to it, you've still had to apologize and be punished, haven't you?"
Dee nodded agreeably, then asked, "Does that mean Johnny gets to punish me too?"
"It's his right, sweetie."
Gleam crossed calculating blue eyes before swollen lips rounded to pronounce a soft, "Oh."
"Tomorrow, Dee, you're to make up to them both. If Daddy finds out either of their dicks was not completely happy, he will invite them over and we will all punish you. You do want Daddy to be proud of you, don't you?"
"Yes, Daddy, 'course," she murmured.
"Remember, honey, it's better to thank and apologize too much than not enough. Now, have you finished eating all the cream Daddy made for you?"
With a final prudent lick, Dee nodded.
"Did you forget to tell him anything else?"
"I don't think so."
"Then it's time for your punishment."
"What, sweetheart?"
"You're the best Daddy in the whole wide world."
Daddy met her love-filled eyes with his own. "And you're the best wife any man can ask for, Dee." Stepping out of character, he lifted her chin with his finger. The sweet kiss he brushed against her lips was nothing but a frank reflection of his emotions.
"All right, hon, go get your things."
Dee sighed contentedly, then asked, "Should I take off everything?"
"You may keep your shoes and socks on."
As she hurried across the room, Daddy called out, "You better get Daddy's leather belt too, he did promise to make you cry."
Dee returned wearing only her knee socks and shoes as instructed. The small bag she placed next to Daddy's feet along with the belt contained a hand towel, a jar of Vaseline, and a slim butt plug.
When Daddy nestled lower in the seat, Dee stepped between his sprawled legs. Then she lowered herself over his thigh and laid her chest on the couch.
"Do you remember all the rules?" Daddy asked, rubbing her creamy upturned bottom.
Suddenly disgruntled, he ordered, "Higher, Dee, Daddy shouldn't have to reach too far to spank you."
Carefully, she inched forward until her back arched deeper and her feet left the floor.
"That's better. Don't forget Daddy's penis."
Dee squeezed her hand between them and took a firm hold.
"Are you ready, sweetheart?"
"Yes, Daddy."
Sunday, October 20, 2013
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I walked into your gym in full IBM regalia: navy blue gabardine suit and pale red pinstripes with a nine-inch split up the back hem, starched white shirt opened to my cleavage with just a whisper of breast showing, red silk kerchief in my breast pocket, modest but expensive pearls, and open peep-toed hot red 4-inch come-fuck-me platform heels. I carried a clipboard. Ordinarily, I would carry a small personal dictating machine, but I hadn’t anticipated a long interview and my clipboard was handy. I skipped my contacts for the day and doffed my black-horned rimmed glasses. My red hair was pinned up neatly with just a few wisps of curls around my face and shoulders. You turned your head to look at me while you worked out.You laid on a weight bench with your legs straddled and spread, bench-pressing 150 pounds of pure metal.
You wore cut off white sweat shorts, which showed off your masculine profile as you laid on your back in your white dego T. Working out always made you hot and excited, but… not like this. I noticed your nipples
The Hot IBMer
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Cbecoming erect and I knew instinctively it was because of me, not the workout. You noticed that I noticed. The sweat had just begun to sparkle on your forehead, thighs and your arms. As I walked by you, I stuck out my pointer finger and ran my long red fingernail up your thigh to your arm then onto your exposed shoulder. You turned to watch me put that fingernail ever so gently between my red lips and into my mouth. Then you noticed the slit in my tight short skirt. It exposed my thighs only a few inches below my butt cheeks. You had to have me; I can tell by the erection you are in no way trying to hide. And, you knew I wanted you. Beads of perspiration began to form above my ruby red lips and between my breasts. I stared at you boldly as I put the tip of my red fingernail into my cleavage to catch the perspiration and then slowly brought my fingertip back to my mouth.
You got up from the weight bench and walked determinedly toward me; putting your left hand at the small of my back, your right hand behind my neck., you drew my head upwards toward you, my body toward your erection. You kissed me deeply as I put the tip of my perspiration-laced red fingertip into your mouth.
You pushed me against a door and revealed the strength of your cock hard passion for me; your left hand dropped and released the door by the handle. You knew it was a private massage room and it was empty. You pushed me back, pulled the clip from my hair, letting my red locks fall to my shoulders; I am here, now, for you to take, to devour, to consume. The clipboard fell from my grasp; I did not resist you. I grabbed your waistband, hard, tightly, and pulled you as close to me as possible. You yanked my shirt open, revealing my black lace bra, my breasts heaving with desire. You had already hiked my shirt and pulled at my black thong. As you lifted me by the waist onto the massage table, you buried your white beard and soft lips into the tender flesh between my legs. I came in seconds.
Now it was your turn.
My hands were shaking, the insides of my petal-soft thighs quivered, and my stomach was flat and tight. I was so wet; the precious pearl of my clit was fully flushed, hard and engorged. I put my hand down to your head and lifted your face up to kiss me while my other hand removed the glasses from my face. You had my juices all over your beard and lips; it smelled and tasted sweet but deeply sensual, like musky petiole oil. You did not resist; you knew what was going to happen. We kissed so deeply, passionately and sexually that I came again. I could not help myself in your embrace. My nipples were hard and rubbed against your chest. My legs opened to welcome you, to accept you. We have not spoken, but we’ve said volumes. Your cock was so hard and upright; you put your hands beneath the cheeks of my ass and pulled me upwards. I wanted you so much I could taste you. However, it is I that I tasted, from your lips, from your mouth, from your tongue.
You thrust so hard into my sweet wet darkness, I exhaled an involuntary moan. Then the rhythm began. I held your strong ass, round and firm from working out. My nails dug gently into your flesh. You loved it. We worked effortlessly, rhythmically, sensuously to satisfy our every passion. The beads of sweat on your brow dripped on my face, ran into my mouth and I tasted your salty sex. We thrashed; you plunged into me deeper and deeper. Soon you could not resist the overwhelming flood of bright, white hot passion waving over your body. I knew it and felt you building beneath me; it was too exciting for words. As I felt you throb inside of me, I was on fire and exploded with you, shuddering at the same time as you. You released into me, and then relaxed with your face nestled in my neck. You breathed me in and I could tell that you were smelling my perfume; you were coming to your senses.
Are my eyes green? you asked - your first spoken words.
No, hazel, I replied.
I like your freckles, you said.
I laughed softly at the sweet compliment.
Just light sexy, charming freckles, you added.
You never expected me. Of course, you never expected this. As you moved the hair away from my hot, flushed and sweaty skin, you kissed my neck and asked my name.
“Does it matter?” I replied.
“Yes,” said you, “it does.”
That tender comment so aroused me, took me completely by surprise, that I wanted you again. You let me up and watched me take off all my clothes. As they fell to the floor, you became hard again-swiftly. I moved towards you, put my red lips around your stiffening shaft, and held my breasts against your ballsack. I moved rhythmically, methodically with deliberation, again. You were all the way down my throat and you were moaning, moving. I cupped your balls with my hand and squeezed, just hard enough. You leaned back upon your elbow, left your right hand free to grab the back of my neck and pushed farther into my mouth and down my throat. You wanted your entire dick inside of me. We went back and forth, moving thrusting, wet and hard. I could feel the head of your hardness on the back wall of my throat. I massaged your blue steeled cock with the muscles in my throat. You trembled. You came in my mouth and I swallowed you whole. You watched as I took every bit of you into me. You shuddered, shivered to the last drop. I licked your body of all its sweat; I teased you again by running my hardened nipples all over your thighs, stomach, and chest, your hairs tickled them to stay erect. We kissed again deeply as you moved the hair curls from my face to look at the flush of my cheeks. As you ran your fingertips down my neck to my bare shoulders, then circled my nipples, you watched me as I became aroused again. We both knew that we would fuck again and again and again, until sated and spent.
I thought, indulgently: This must be the very best work out I have ever had at a gym…
Friday, October 18, 2013
babaniz geri geldi :)
I was right, he was impressed with me for bringing Janice to him and had since treated me much better. Frequency of my orgasm increased and I could feel more love when he fucked me, not just a cock ravaging a wet pussy. Yet what I noticed was my engrossment in our mad sexual life. It had completely turned from a blackmail into a willing co-habitation. I had turned from a rape victim into a thirsty and dirty slut. i would automatically return to his house after my school. He would come home at random timings and will fuck me. My family got worried and rang me up so many times I couldn’t be bothered to explain anymore. Joseph gave up on me for ignoring him for such a long time and found himself another gf 3 months later. But within these 3 months, so much happened between Peter and I.
I got a shock of my life when I woke up one day. I couldn’t move a single limb. At first, I thought it was numbness I felt, then I realised that my limbs were all tied up, each to a corner of the bed such that I made an X shape. pedo sex I twisted my body around trying to free myself but immediately understood that it would never happen.
“Good morning” he said in a low and sexy tone.
“Hey, did you do this to me? Why?” I asked although knowing it was rhetorical.
He was naked.
He stood at the side of the bed around the level of my head and smiled at me. Somehow that didn’t frighten me at all, I kinda got used to his tricks and attempt of intimidation, in fact I am beginning to find it nice. His cock stood hard and up, my eyes followed his cock as it pedo sex moved its way up the bed, in between my spread legs, with his balls rubbing my stomach as his cock slid up my body. Before I knew it, his cock head was pointing right at my mouth.
“Suck” he ordered.
Obedient as I always am, I opened my mouth and took his cock in. My eyes looked up at him as I tasted his cock in my mouth. For the past week, his cock had been the first thing that enters my mouth in the morning. Anyways, he began rocking faster and faster. Before long, he was face fucking me real fast and moaning all over. He occasionally pulled out to let me catch my breath, but usually before I could even finish coughing, his cock was stuffed right back in again. I felt so miserable, trying frantically to catch my breath when he pull back for his next thrust. But what really frightened me was that I got wet from the shear act of sucking him. He haven’t even touched my pussy! He tilted my head upwards and lifted himself up and in a swift motion, he pushed his cock down INTO and down my throat. My eyes almost popped out.
“mmmpphhhhhh….. ggrrrrmmmpppph” I choked. He didn’t seem to care and continue penetrating my throat.
“Make more noise, I want you to speak into my cock. The vibration feels good on my cock.”
Now I know why he was always so rough on my mouth- because when I do make noise, he feels better. - what a jerk.
No matter how much I hate the way he treated me, I would just obey and followed his direction. I never question him during the session and after the session, I always feel too satisfied to say anything or I would have just been knocked out. Whatever the reason is I guess I am just a sucker to this man.
Just before I thought I was getting a bad sore throat, he pulled out and moved down. He positioned his cock at my entrance and slapped it down repeatedly on my sensitive clit. I jerked as he did and my vagina began to get even wetter than when I blew him. he was essentially rubbing my pedo sex
clit at pace so fast that I could cum from just that. Just before I could do so, he stopped. I looked at him with disappointment and he smiled.
“You are such a cunt teaser”I jokingly said.
SLAP! He landed his palm hard on my right. His firm muscle directed immense force onto my thigh I swear It numbed my leg. “OUCH!” I sobbed and became frightened. I had no idea how much our previous happy days were worth to him and how he might get crazy and begin to spread our sex videos around.
“You don’t call me names you hear that?” he commented without expression. “For that, you shall be my subject of punishment this morning.”
He got off the bed and walked towards the cabinet and opened it.
“Holly fuck, I gasped.” That’s a crap load of sex toys. I have never seen so many such toys in my life.
“Today, we shall do S&M.”
I took out a few of them and put them on the make up desk. I didn’t utter a single word throughout, all the while enjoying the anticipation and uncertainty of the next second.
“Let’s do this first.” He used Fifty Shades of Grey Vibrating Bullet and pressed it on my clit. the vibration immediately shot up my body, but as I pulled in my limbs, I then remembered I was completely restrained. I wanted to touch myself soo badly but could not do it at all. after about half a minute of clit play, he slot it gently into my vagina. I jerk again and my eyes rolled. He carefully positioned it there and pthc left. He returned with a pair of Fifty Shades of Grey - Adjustable Nipple Clamps and I stared at it as he pinched my nipples down with it. It felt painful at first but when it subsided the pleasure began to come in, it felt so good. It felt as if someone was constantly tickling my nipples. He walked away again.
When he came back again, he untied me. “Turn around.” He commanded. I did.
He spread open my legs from behind in the typical doggy position, placing his cock at my entrance. Then I felt a trickle of cold water on my vagina. No wait, it’s not, the water is on my ass. Before I could react, he pushed the object into my ass. “Ouch! Fuck! What’s that?” I screamed in shock.
“It’s a butt plug, it’s to train you for our future exploration.”
He let the pain subside and for me to rest. After a while, I realise that it was more because of shock than pain that I screamed.
“So now, do you like it already?” he asked gently. “No, I am still not used to it, but I guess I will. It’s beginning to open up.”
“Good, now you can take me in.” He said as he positioned himself at my back while I kneel back facing him. “ No wait, I am not…..”
Before I could finish my sentence, he already slid his whole length into my pussy. Today was exceptionally fast and deep because my ass was being stretched and my skin did not interfere like it normally would. “eeerrrrgggghhh” I moaned as he ramped in. lucky thing was that it didn’t feel as pain because I was all readily lubricated inside and outside in fact, I must say that he did a great job in preparing us a great session ahead.
Suddenly, a firm whip slapped abruptly across my ass. “ Arrg!” I shouted. Immediately, pedo pthc a S&M ball gag strapped across my mouth from behind. “Shut up, you are too noisy”. I paused, felt pissed, embarassed and turned on all at the same time. “Argggghhhhhhhh mmmhhhhppp” was all that could come out of me by then.
He continued using his S&M Whip to whip me while my cries got muffled by the gag.
He rammed his cock into my vagina and pulled it out in swift motions. I was confused between the pleasure and the pain that ran through my body. I was quite sure the pain on my ass burnt into pleasure that made me even wetter. His thrust only became more and more smooth because I was only getting more and more wet. I closed my eyes tight and silently enjoying the pleasure so intensely.
A while later he flipped me over to lie on my back. He lifted up my legs high up in the air and ramped his cock into hole. By this time, I could already feel his cock swelling up in my vagina. I lifted up my weak hands and wrapped around his neck, with a single pull he fell onto me. his lower body continued to thrust like a spoiled violent machine in and out of me. home pthc sex I came for the 3rd time and clasped my vagina wall tightly against his cock and squeezed it so tightly as he unload his semen in me. Last few minutes of the session was heaven, both of us just wrapped around each other and shivered.
“Thank you” I whispered.
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Friday, September 6, 2013
my little brother
My name is Sonia; I am 32, married. My husband, Ashish, is a businessman, I am quite happy with my married life. I am saying quite because I don’t get fair amount of sex from him as he remains out of town for at least fifteen days in a month. Today, I am going to narrate the things I am doing for the last two years when he is out of town.
I shall start from the beginning; it was March 2005. It was a Saturday morning and Ashish had a train in the afternoon so I was busy packing for him and the doorbell home pthc sexrang. I asked Ashish to answer the door as he was in the lobby and I was in the bedroom. When I heard Ashish giggling I wondered and went to check whom was he chatting with.
When I entered the drawing room it was Sanjay, my younger brother. When he looked at me he greeted me “hi sis, how are you”. “How are you, I am doing fine” was my reply. Sanju was looking me from head to toe, then I realized that he was doing so because I was wearing a shear t-shirt and a shorts, which I generally wear at home, you know climate gets hot in this month.
After this introduction I went in and first of all I changed into a pair of jeans and a graceful t-shirt then I arranged for some coke and snacks and went in again. pthc forum After settling down I came to know that he have some entrance exam tomorrow, near our place and he was going to stay here for the night.
On the first thought it seemed ok to me but when I realized that as Ashish is going and it will be he and me at the night I a kind of got exited, I thought it will be nice as we can talk late at night as old times and will catch up the things that are happening at my native place. The time passed very fast that afternoon, before anyone realized the time to go to the railway station came.
Sanju also accompanied us to the station. My mood was a bit off because we didn’t got time for a quickie, which we do every time when Ashish has a train in the afternoon, but it was ok. To be frank I don’t like the quickies, I love the long love making sessions. When we reached the station Ashish sent Sanju to call for a coolie in the meanwhile he kissed me deep in my mouth
and along with that he fondled my tits by inserting his hand in my t-shirt from over my bra, his act made my cunt moist and I felt very sexy. In return I also pressed his semi erect cock from over his pants. After he was gone I drove back with Sanju sitting next to me. On the way we got some lunch packed as nothing was cooked at home.
On reaching home, I showed Sanju his room so that he can place his things in there and get himself fresh before the food. I also went for a bath and got my self comfortable in my usual outfit that is a sheer t-shirt and a shorts, while I was putting those on I remembered the way Sanju looked at me when he came.
I thought it was ok as he is a grown up man now, more over I also like showing my assets, what if he was my brother I let it go. After having the food, I went to my room and he went to his. I was watching tv, then after some half an hour or so he came to my room and said “sis, I am getting bored can I come and sit with you” I said “sure, I’ll love to chat with you, I didn’t ask you
earlier because I thought you might be tired and need some rest.” Then he said, “I can even rest here, with you”. Then he came and sat next to me, on the bed, and both of us started to watch tv. Then after a ten mins or so he said’ little pedo “so sis, how are you. How’s life, its been long that we two sat like this and talked” I then said “ I am fine and happy, life is also going on smooth, you tell what’s happening on your end, how’s mom and dad”.
“They are fine and so am I” was his reply. Then we started to chat about all the things, things happening at my native place, mom’s health, dads drinking problem and all the family stuff. After about an hour or so he all of a sudden asked “hey sis, why haven’t you guys planned a family yet” I then said “shut up, its non of you business” he then said “ its not me asking so, its mom who told me to ask you” then there was a silence for some time.
Actually I was figuring out what to say, I wanted to say that my husband doesn’t fucks me enough, but I didn’t say anything. Then all of a sudden he took my hand in his hand and said “sis, you can tell me, I am your well wisher” but I still remained silent, as I didn’t want to lie to him but at the same time was not able to tell him the truth, if he had not been my real brother I would have told him the truth.
Anyways I some how changed the topic and we again started to chat as before but he didn’t leave my hand. Some time passed by and I asked him about his life, his college life, and his girls. He told me all about his college life and about his friends and the things he and his gang does. But when is repeated the question about the girls, he after some hesitation started to tell a little, he was actually shying.
He told me that, he had a girlfriend earlier but have broke up with her now actually she dumped him. He continued that after her he has not been steady or emotional with any one else. He then told me that nowadays he is going around with some girl, her name is Tanisha, she was her classmate in his graduation but at that time they were just friends and now they are quite close.
I quickly asked “how close” he answered “very close” I again asked “are you serious with her or …” he then quickly answered “no not at all, we are just filling each other’s emotional and physical needs”. I then asked “you mean to say that you do with her” he didn’t wasted a second and said “ya, we do it quite often at her place, both of her parents are working and that gives us a lot of time to spend together.”
I got a bit surprised and at the same time it also made me a kind of proud too that my brother is going good. The very next thing I asked him was that “so, Sanju how often do you two do” he answered “its like three to four times in a week”. With every passing question he was becoming more and more open and his shyness was vanishing and so was mine, I was also getting more and more involved in this conversation.
Anyways my curiosity made me ask the next very obvious question that “so, tell me when did you last made love to her” he said “yesterday” I don’t know what happened to me that “wow that’s cool” came out of my mouth. This made him look straight to my face. Then he asked “sis don’t you make out that often” I wanted to say we do every night but truth came out of my mouth
“no dear, he doesn’t have time and interest nowadays” after saying this a sad look came on my face and his too. Then he again looked in my eyes and we remained silent for some time. Then after silence for some time he again took my right hand in his hand, as he was laying on my left and said, “sis you are very beautiful” “what make you say this” was my question.
He didn’t answer that instead asked, “now you tell how often do you guys do” it was just unbelievable that I was talking to my younger brother like this but it was feeling nice. I didn’t answered him instead I asked him to shut up and talk something else but he insisted and said “look sis I answered to all your questions and its now your turn, tell me, it all will remain between you and me.
Now start else I am leaving.” Then he left my hand and started to move away. I then, took his left hand in my right one and stopped him and said “ok what ever you say” then he again got laid next to me and I said “ok now ask what you want to know, but if I ever come to know that you had disclosed anything to anyone, including Tanisha, I swear I am not going to see your face
again” he then promised me that he won’t and asked “tell me how often and when was the last time when you did it” I after a pause said “ we hardly do it, its like once in a ten days, actually half the month he is out and on the rest of the days he is busy and is most of the time tired when he comes to home but its ok” he then said “its not ok” he then asked, “so when was the last time” I said, “last Saturday”.
I then said, “I answered your questions, is it over now, lets talk something else.” He said “no its not over, I am getting angry at Ashish how can he do this to my sister who happens to be so beautiful and this is very unfare” I then asked “hey Sanju what’s the matter with you, you are finding your sister very beautiful today.” To this he said “ you are not just beautiful, you are very
sexy too” I then asked him to shut up but he continued “you know you just knocked me out when I looked at you this afternoon, when I saw you in these shorts and t-shirt at that time.” he then added “as a matter of fact you are looking even more sexy now.” his words were hitting me hard, I started to feel nice and sexy myself. He then continued saying “ sis you have got a great
body, any one can do any thing to get it, you have a pretty face, nice figure and above all tits to die for” I don’t know how but he was making me weak at my knees and on top of it I even felt my cunt getting moist. But I didn’t encourage him and remained silent as he was my brother and no sister should get wet by her brother. I wanted to stop this conversation and to ask him to leave the room but something in me was stopping me to do so.
I think he was also getting exited as he now turned himself facing me and was eagerly waiting for something to come out of my mouth but I remained silent and he finally broke the silence and said “don’t you think so.” Then I said, “Sanju if someone else would have said so I would have slapped him.” He then took my hand to his face and kissed it and said “I love you sis” I again was clueless how to react so I quickly pulled my hand back.
He then again, this time more boldly took my hand in his and kissed it again and then he came close to me and kissed me on my cheek. I then pushed him back but he seemed stop less, he again came a bit over me and took my face in his hands and tried to kiss me on my lips but I forcefully managed to stop him and angrily asked him to leave. Then he moved a side and laid silently for some time, I also moved a bit side and sat away from him.
After about ten mins he started to apologize, I also forgave him fast. He then said “actually sis, the thing is I was feeling sorry for you and thought as I already promised you that all this will remain between us”. To this I said “Sanju, this is not done you are my brother and this is not allowed in our society.” He then replied “don’t give me this society crap, I know we are bro n sis but before that we are two humans, a male and a female who have their needs.
I know you are not getting as much of sex you need, you know sex is the most beautiful thing in this world, I mean I was just trying to help you, which you admit or not you need.” He was now again turned toward me and I was also getting influenced with his saying. He then continued “sis do one thing forget that I an your brother for some time and let me do some to you after that, if you want I will never do any such thing or even think of such thing again.”
He then came close to me, by now, my hormones were also a kind making me to surrender to him, and planted a quick kiss on my cheek. I think he was testing me. When I didn’t reacted to it in any way he got bolder and again took my face in his hands and kissed me full, this time I didn’t resisted but at the same time didn’t also participated in the act. Then after kissing me he again went to his place next to me.
Then he placed his hand on my belly and moved it in my t-shirt, he then moved it farther up and reached my bra. On this I took hold of his hand and stopped him and looked in his eyes and asked him “Sanju are you sure, is it right” he then instead of replying kissed me in an answer. Then he got his hand loose form my grip and headed farther and pulled my bra up and released my tits, it felt nice.
He then took my tits in his hands one by one along with that he moved his thumb on my nipples. My nipples reacted fast and became hard, my cunt also started to secrete the love juices. Then I turned my face toward him and he placed his lips on mine, I then opened my mouth and let him insert his tongue in my mouth. We then rolled each other’s tongue and he also started to chew my lips, it was feeling great, to be frank I now really wanted him to take me.
He was now pressing my tits vigorously, and then he broke the kiss and took off my t-shirt in one quick swap. After that he took his mouth down on them and started to eat my nipples and I closed my eyes in ecstasy, he was doing it very nicely like an experienced man. By now he was like over me and I was a kind of feeling his cock growing on my bare thighs, when I felt it I opened my eyes to have a look of it, it was appearing to be big though it was still in his shorts.
After eating my tits well he moved farther down and started to kiss and lick my belly and continued to move farther down when he reached my shorts he literally tore them down along with my panties. Now my wet cunt was in front of his lusting eyes. He then opened my legs by placing his hands in between my knees, by now I was totally in his control.
He then dived his head in between my legs and kissed my wet cunt, it felt so nice that a loud moan came out of my mouth. This was the very first time that someone kissed my cunt, Ashish never did it, thought I have blown him a lot of time but he never ate me. Sanju was now licking my cunt and I was continuously moaning louder and louder. He too was enjoying my moaning, I was moaning with every lick. He was amazing he made me come real fast.
Then after my coming, he didn’t stop instead he increased the speed of his licking and sucking, with every lick he used to suck my clit and believe me it was the best feeling I ever had. By now I placed my hand over his head and was also pushing his head down with every suck. I came again and then he stopped and looked up at me, his face was fully covered with my love juices and he looked very sexy.
Then he came and lay besides me, and then he took off he shorts and his hard cock sprang up. I immediately took hold of it, it was big, bigger than Ashish’s and thicker too. Then I started to move it a bit up and down and he moaned. Wow, he sounded great, he then said “take it in your sweet mouth” and I did so.
I moved down and took its big head in my little mouth, actually I was not used to such a thick cock, its head was even thicker. I then some how managed to take it in, pedo sex then when I rolled my tongue on its head he moaned loudly, this gave me encouragement and took it deep in my mouth and started to move up and down. He then took my tits in his one hand, as I was lying with my legs towards him and with the other hand he was playing with my cunt.
After some mins I felt it stiffening, he was going to come, but I didn’t stop instead increased my movements, then with in no time he exploded in my mouth. I kind of got choked but some how managed to take it out and let his cum flow out of my mouth, some of it also went down my throat but it was ok, I was used to it as Ashish always make me drink his cum.
Sanju’s cum was in large quantity. Then I reached his mouth and kissed him full and made him taste his cum too, which, Ashish never lets me do. Then he came to lie next to me and I was watching his cock getting limp but some semen was still oozing out of it. After ten mins or so he again got active, he whispered in my ears “sis that was the greatest blow job I ever had, though Tanisha does it but you are an expert.”
Then I replied “Sanju you also ate me great and it was the first time that I got myself eaten.” To this he said “really, Ashish doesn’t eat you, if you want I can eat you every day and night.” On this I asked him to shut up, instead he kissed me again, fully. In the next moment he was fondling with my fully exposed tits along with the kiss. In no time I again felt fluid flowing from my crack and I whispered in his ears “take me”.
He didn’t wasted a second and came over me, I opened my legs in his welcome, then he placed his thing in between my wet cunt and with a gentle push he inserted it in. pedo sex it was quite thick and I was not used to it and I had some problem taking it in, it was like paining but I was liking it. He, very soon got almost of it in me, his cock was touching the never touched places in my cunt.
His cock made my whole cunt to stretch; it was like my cunt was full. He gained his rhythm very soon as an expert; I too started the cries of pleasure with his moves. It seemed as if he was getting deeper and deeper with his every stroke. He was now fucking me furiously, as if I was a whore, to be frank I liked this thought, to be his whore, I was getting out of control with pleasure.
I next couple of seconds I felt coming, so I shouted, “Sanju, I am coming, I am coming” to this he increased his speed and I came immensely with a loudest moan. He was pumping me so good that as soon as I overcame my last orgasm I came again but he was unstoppable, I felt his cock getting bigger after I came he was also moaning loudly, I felt he was going to come but I didn’t want him to come so soon, I wanted to enjoy more.
I think he read my mind because he suddenly stopped and took his cock out and made himself stop from coming. Then he asked me to come over him. I happily agreed. He then came to lie beneath me and I went over him. His cock smoothly slid in my now wide cunt. I was looking in his eyes and he was looking at his cock getting disappear in my cunt. Then I started the ride, initially slowly, and gradually gaining pace.
As I gained pace he started to moan and I too felt good that I was able to make this hunk feel good. After a min or two of pumping his cock, he was in totally in my control and I was also getting hornier and hornier as in this way I was able to get more and more of his cock in me. He then pulled me down and took my tits in his mouth and started to suck my nipples one by one with every stroke of mine.
He ate my nipples so violently and that felt so nice that I again came, when I came I stopped for a moment but again started to ride. Then after a min or so I again felt his cock growing bigger and getting stiffer, I knew he is going to come soon. So I starter to jump faster and asked him to come in me, as those were my safe days, then after a couple of more strokes he started to
shout, like me “sis, I am coming, I am coming” on this I went down and kissed him on his lips and he came, he literally pushed me up in the air with his butt hanging in air. His cock in me became stiff and he came in at least ten spasms. It felt really very good. It was the best fuck for me till that date.
After that, I came down with my brother’s semen flowing out of my cunt and his cock also had a layer of his semen mixed with my fluids on it. Then we laid there in each other’s arms in nude till night. Then at night after dinner and all we did it again. Then next day also and we are doing it every time Ashish goes out of town, it takes just one phone call for me and he comes immediately. He has also got broke off with Tanisha, and now he is only mine.
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